Tuesday, June 2, 2009


howdy! gosh, time is flying and we have not been blogging! a lot of my time has been absorbed by my parents and their needs, so casey and i haven't quite been exploring as much lately or writing as much. things seem to be changing rapidly with my parents. their relationship has been altered by age and their personalities are shifting, so it really is a whole new ballgame.

we have been trying to get organized, rearrange responsibilities and set up systems to make it easier on them. we referee when we need to, talk them down when they need calming and try to be the voice of reason. there is much tension and misunderstanding. i can see how confusing things can get and personally, it worries me a little to think this could happen to me and casey someday!

so, while we have many, many pictures to post of some wonderful spring bbqs we've had and stories of great friend's visits, i am not quite able to get these all loaded right now. the fact remains, we have one month left to go unless it becomes clear we need to stay on a spell longer.

we'll see how it goes...we're making really good progress getting organized, but there will still be some dancing to do. today we're going to talk to the head nurse at kimball farms to see what care is available to them and if it makes sense they move into the next level. while it sounds great, this place is also filled with some mentally challenged patients, who clearly are way more incapacitated than my parents. it is a bit scary to think of them surrounded by people like this. and yet, it is becoming more clear they need more assistance than where they are now. so what do we do? my dad really does not want to go, he likes his apartment. it makes me so sad that he may need to be somewhere he doesn't want to be. but it is too hard on my mom for things to stay how they are. there will need to be compromise (and a small miracle) for this to go smoothly.

more to come. just a quick note to let you all know we are here, doing our best to provide support though there is less time to keep you all updated on the fun stuff! like my birthday, which was amazing!! i spent the day with my family and they surprised me with a gift certificate to Kripalu, the famous yoga retreat center here. I can't wait to go spend an entire day there....I'm going to need it!! love to all of you...we'll catch up again soon. xoxoxoxox

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