Friday, February 27, 2009

check out this article

i have so much i want to say about my experience training as a Nutrition Educator at Bauman College in berkeley, but i've been so wrapped up in this move and my family, that the subject has taken a huge backseat in my life. but it is there, just floating around, waiting to be acknowledged again. i have yet to take out my books and review the year's notes. subjects have come up with family and friends around the effects of Splenda, or why is high fructose corn syrup bad for you...and I will definitely address these questions in later posts. But for now, I just read an excellent article that I hope you will read too.

If you're curious about the argument for or against the use of soy products in relation to its impact on our health, here is a great article that breaks it down really well. I hope you'll take a look because this product is so pervasive in our food supply that I really want to bring some more awareness to this controversial food. It is a long article, but a really educational and unbiased assessment that is worth reading.

I'd love to hear your feedback and your personal experience with soy...

Thanks for listening...more to come on this subject, not to mention my observations of the food they are feeding my parents at the old age home. But that's a whole other blog entry!

Also, here is a great nutrition blog done by a friend graduate from Bauman...her topics are in nice bite-size chunks, easy for digesting! (nutrition humor!!)

For now, I wish you all good health and as always, thanks for being here.
Much love, jen


  1. Ok, first of all, I didn't even know you were moving to the Berkshires...I am so jealous!! I love it out there!!! I clicked over to your blog to find out more and imagine my surprise to see you've given me a shout out...thank you ;) Hope you are enjoying beautiful western MA...

    BODA weight loss

  2. Hi, Jen~ I'm enjoying catching up on your posts this evening. What a wonderful site you two have created! I'm been following the health concerns on soy products for several years. I worked for an infertility physician who studies the lower IVF success rates in Asian women and has targeted the role of soy products and endocrine disruption. I learned that physicians believe that soy consumption can have a multi-generational affect on menstrual cycles and fertility rates. Alarming, and yet there are some new studies pointing to the reduction in breast cancer rates once again. I hope to find out who funded these studies soon. Thanks for the share and Happy Spring!!

  3. Hi Jen, Thanks for the soy info. I've usually get a "Don't listen to the crazy lady" look when I suggest to parents that perhaps they shouldn't be feeding their kids a constant stream of soy-based foods. Soy is a phytoestrogen and for little kids who are still developing to be sucking on a sippy cup full of soy milk while chowing on a tofu-pup day after day seems like a bad idea. Moderation in all things, I think. I've also talked to mom friends who discovered that when they stopped eating energy bars (like the Luna Bar) with isolated soy protein, their mood improved and they felt better, overall. One friend even attributes eating too much soy with causing postpartum depression. Of course, keeping soy and corn by-products out of your food is tough and usually means making a lot of stuff from scratch, which is time consuming but oh so awesome for your body and the environment.
